This is my webpage for GITA 1.
We are studying C#. Its my first year of GITA.
C# is difficult and sometimes unforgiving, but it was fun nonetheless to learn.
Click on the pictures to download the projects.

About Page


This project was about making an about page for a fake company. We would have an introduction, a logo, and a slogan. These would appear when a button was pressed. This was the very first project and beginning of our GITA class.
In this project, we learned how to edit text using events that are triggered by other elements. We also learned many of the basic properties of the elements that we make our projects out of.

Mailing Label


This project was about letting the user input all of the things that go on a mailing label, such as their address, zip code, state, etc. There were three labels with different backgrounds that you could choose from.
In this project, we learned how to use variables to transfer data between multiple elements. We also learned how to use text boxes that the user can edit. This was used to make a label with all of the inputs that the user wanted.

Car Rental


This project was about letting the user input their information, input a milage for a car rental, and it would return a price for the rental.
In this project, we learned how to change the value of integers depending on the input of the user. We also learned how to parse string that the user types, which means turn it into an interger, and turn the integer into string that we would display to the user.



This project was about letting the user input their weight and height, and the program would output a bmi, the weight class you are in, and a suggested food menu for your weight class. The menu would have all 7 days and 3 meals a day.
In this project, we learned how to use the trya nd catch function to prevent our program from crashing in certain ways. For example if the user inputs characters as their weight the program would tell the user that their input was invalid We also learned how to do more advanced calculations and learned how to use radio buttons to let the user choose whether to use metric or imperial system.

Car Rental Upgrade


This project was about letting the user input their information, input a milage for a car rental, and it would return a price for the rental.
In this project, we learned how to change the value of integers depending on the input of the user. We also learned how to parse string that the user types, which means turn it into an interger, and turn the integer into string that we would display to the user.

Triangle Checker


This project was about letting the user input their information, input a milage for a car rental, and it would return a price for the rental.
In this project, we learned how to change the value of integers depending on the input of the user. We also learned how to parse string that the user types, which means turn it into an interger, and turn the integer into string that we would display to the user.



This project was making the game Craps. The user could bet the money in the game and could roll the dice until they win or lose. The program would tell the user their point, money, and win and loss percentage.
We learned how to make a random number generator in this project and how to use the output that it generates.

Slot Machine


This project was making a slot machine. The user would bet a certain amount of money and could insert money into the slot machine. You would then press the handle and try to get the same symbol on all three slots. The jackpot would go up everytime the user lost by how much they bet.
We learned how to use a random number generator further and learned how to use radio buttons better.

Over Under Calculator


This project was about making a calculator for this year's VEX Robotics Competion Game. It was called Over Under and we were tasked to make a calculator for the game. This was the hardest project by far because we had to let the user count the balls around the arena and the elevation of the 4 robots on the field. This was espcially difficult because there were many tie situations that were really ahrd to code for.
We learned how to compare 4 values in this project and we learned how to change letter values to number values.

Incremental Game


This project was about making an incremental game. A game like Cookie Clicker basically. We made a clickable object, currency, and upgrades that you could buy. The upgrades would increase amount per click, or add more of your currency a second. Everyone had to make a special feature for the game so I made upgrades that allowed critical hits.
We learned how to make a shop and make values increase and use timers to make stuff happen on a specified tick.

Spooky Staircase


This project was about making a staircase using an array and having a character move up or down randomly when you press a button. when you reach the top an alien would appear and when you reach the bottom a monster would appear. The program would also allow you to move automatically with a timer and would count the amount of times the monster and alien appeared.
We learned how to use an array of picture boxes to move our character with them. We also learned how to use for loops to check each element in the arrays.
For this project if you want to use it you have to go into the debug folder and click the exe file.

AI Chase


This project was about making a game where an AI enemy will chase you around the area and you have to survive as long as possible. The enemy would have to take all of your life for you to lose. You would use the keyboard to move and you could shoot a projectile to try to defeat the enemy. The enemy would get faster every time you defeated it.
We learned how to use events such as key presses to trigger movement in the game. We also learned how to make something chase a certain object with an AI and limit borders where you couldn't go.

2D Submarine


In this project we had to make a 2D array with 2 submarines in it. A 2D array is an array with x and y coordinates. The submarines would randomly move in one of 8 directions randomly when you press a button. Each submarine would crash if they hit a wall or each other. When the crash counter went to 25 the submarine would sink to the bottom. If both submarines sunk the program would reset.
We learned how to use a 2D array in this project. It was vey challenging to learn how to use the coordinates to calculate crashes correctly.

Fishing Simulator


This project was about making a simulator where you are on a boat and you send down a hook to catch fish. The boat would move from side to side and you can bring down the hook to catch fish and bring up the hook to catch fish and send it down again. You would compete against a predator to see who would get more of 20 fish. If you got more than it you won and if you got less you lost. Equal amount was a tie. The predator would use an ai and random number generator to target fish.
We learned how to extend objects such as the line in the program. We also learned how to make an ai chase a random target and learned how to randomly spawn objects and use tags on objects to classify them.

Tic Tac Toe


This project was about making the simple game tic tac toe. We would make a program using a 2D array to check if someone got 3 in a row every turn. If all the squares were used up the game would return a tie. The program would return the amount of wins each player got.
We learned how to check for rows and columns in the 2D array. This was used to check for wins. We also learned how to check if every box was filled up to check for ties.

Math Menu


This project was about doing calculations based on the user input. There were two menus that you could use. One was basic math, and one was advanced. The basic math had 4 functions. All of the evens up to the input number, all of the odds up to the input number, all of the prime numbers up to the input number, and the factorial of that number. The prime function was especially hard to code. In the advanced math there was fibonacci sequence, summation, and divisor. Fibonacci would show the numbers of the fibonacci sequence up to your number. Summation would generate an amount of numbers equal to your input and they would be between 1 and the input number. Then it would show the sum of evens and odds in the sequence. Divisor shows all the numbers the input is divisible by.
We learned how to use for loops to do math. We learned how to use for loops without arrays.

Simple Board Game


In this project we made a simple board game. My board game was about making it into the end. You won if you made it to the end and lose if you lost all of your help. We had to make the rules of our game ourselves and make things that happen on each square. We had to make 5 special squares. I made my game somewhat like the game of life. Every square something would happen, you would either lose money, gain money, lose health, or gain health. My special squares were changing jobs, getting deported, getting in fights, and other accidents that either cost a lot of health or money
We learned how to use for loops to move characters, use for loops to check if the character is on every square, and use timers to move the player ont he squares individually.

Bees Simulator


We made a simulator about bees collecting nectar from flowers. When you press the space bar a bee will be sent out to get nectar. In my program the bee will choose one of ten flowers to go to and return from. Every project had to have a unique function that you had to make. I made a shop that you could use nectar to buy upgrades at. The upgrades included new bee types and more bees.
We learned how to use lists to spawn entities without a set length of array. This means that you don't have to spawn 10 bees, even if that is the maximum, you can choose to only have 3 appear. This is very important for the final project.

Final Project


This was our Final Project for this year of GITA. We had to either make a game or simulator for this project. I decided to make a game and I called it Adventure Quest. It was a rpg where you can level up and get better gear by defeating enemies. There would be difficult bosses that you could fight in every level to advance to the next. This was by far the most demanding and hardest project that we did this year. In this proejct I learned how to detect and fix bugs efficiently.